Saturday, June 29, 2013


Dexterity is so important in self care.
Could you imagine not having the dexterity to wash your own body? Scratch an itch you can't reach?
And most painfully when the person you ask to help you insists they cannot, or are genuinely unable to understand you?

Is self care more or equally as important as education or mental stimulation?
If they carried two thirds the weights of a wheel, and social awareness carried the remaining third
--would they be equal weights or no?
What is the dividing line between the three?
Body maintenance; such as clothing/dressing, excersize, diet possibly, dental care, eye care, shaving/waxing/plucking, nails, bathing?

Communications - being able to make individual sounds or communicating effectively? Are these things you learn to keep your comprehension of language stimulated, or to make sure you are part of society, or is it something you do because it is essential to your life?

Or are they all essential to life?
... Again I come back to, are they equally essential then?

This is like.. 1/10 this whole thought but I can't follow all my directions.

My first real breAk

Toes don't count, right???

After a disaster of a beach trip in which my ds wanted nothing more than another beach-goers inflatable rowboat, we soon left the sandy area and headed up some rocks towards the showers. .. Which, if I knew where I was would have taken me 8 minutes to get to. Instead about an hour later we ended up back at the beach (thank god, because there was a while there I was worried- no cell phone, large campsite, no sense of direction:/ thank god remaining family at the beach was loud, we followed the voices and all finally headed back to the showers. Gave my dog, ds and me a shower, and headed back to our campsite to climb MORE rocks. I love climbing told, this was by far my fave. Aspect of this campsite, the beach was awesome, but I love scaling me some rocks:)

After another 30 mins heckling out some deer beyond the rocks, we realized we forgot something, an I knew already if I went back down I wasnt coming up. hadn't eaten, been on the go non-stop for almost 3 hours, hadn't slept well because our yet zipper was broken and I was scared out dog would run away .. (Again.) so I start heading down, looking forward to sitting quietly. Just a few boulders away from the fire pit and I step down with my evil-crocs on and hear the loudest crack - which really didn't sound much different than a typical hour crack except for being like 20 times louder!
Instantly I react by making sure my foot was aligned. Good move? Bad move? I don't know. No fucking way was I letting my ankle remain bent if it even actually had been though.
I'm sitting there, my husband asking if I'm ok I tell him I think I broke my ankle, please remain calm and get me some water.
He takes our son to get water.. My son is a bit spacey (thanks mom/autism) and somehow got smacked by the car door; husband out.
Dearest daughter, mommy could *really* use some water, would you please get me some? Down she goes. Not quite processing the urgency she's not even half way casually sauntering down the rocks and my vision begins to darken, the view looked like a water colour painting, still wet as black drops fell and spread until almost the whole picture was covered.
Just before I laid down I called one last hope - a friend at the campsite I yelled down to. Finally I had some water and everyone was calm.
Unable (or unwilling to try) to move, my husband carries me down the last few rocks as I lovingly tell him that I've always dreamed of this moment, which I regretted admitting when we were both laughing and I started picturing both of us falling.
Just as we are about to reach the chairs set across from each other for me to rest, the only usable vehicle in our campsite comes back with the drivers face obviously figuring out some crisis.
And there begins the 7 hour hospital experience, involving lots of pedicure jokes, and thoughts of how little I will have to do (wrong- lifting your body with your arms is a lot of work.) and how I planned it so my husband would be stuck doing it all..
Reality is way less fun than my thoughts.
It's hard to pee.
It's hard to see my husband doing everything and not be able to help.
It's hard to want what I want and not be able to do it myself, there's only so much I'm willing to ask for that I can't do.

Here's to quick and excellent healing:)
*drinks drink I would have if I could walk yet*

I can't wait till I can see my X-ray photos on a computer:)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thoughts while camping

Fear of crazy people,
Fear of strong people,
Fear of different people.
Why are you scared of people?
Why does fire always pull up

While gravity always pushes back down?


Do you support society, or do you fight to change?
Why are the rules so important when the rules are so ignorant?

Also I'm thinking I'm really scared a bear will attack me.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


If you have been letting a spider live in your house, and your spouse kills it...
Is that any worse than having a pet like a dog living in your house and your spouse killing that?
What if they never approved of the pet in the first place?

Does it matter if its a caged spider (like a tarantula that perhaps escaped its confines) or a daddy long legs hanging out by the back door?
Does it matter if your spouse knew it was your pet, or not?

Survival of the fittest.

If you are only as strong as you are because of society, are you really part of the strongest?

According to egalitarianism as a revolt against nature*,  the belief of egalitarianism is to make all people equal?

Why can't we treat all people with equal respect and give them equal "starting kits" and allow our species to diverge naturally? Or stay integrated and struggle or benefit -but with equal backgrounds. 

I think one of the great benefits of our diversity is we all offer different qualities.. But I don't think they can be utilized in such a limited society.

*  (its really long. )

What do you consider to be egalitarianism? The people being equal, or opportunities being equal?

New building technology

I just read this link on roman architecture; they have discovered how to replicate this Eco-friendly well-maintainable cement from volcanic ash and lime juice in salt water. I paraphrase poorly.

I think this is very fascinating; I think a lot of health problems relate to being in societies cage.
I think our species is growing -- but being confined to these 8 feet ceilings (both in dreams and buildings).  I think with this understanding of better technology we will be able to rebuild our cities to be better and faster than ever before... This seems like  huge step towards that:)

Here's the link;)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

What just happened there?

(There being, an hour or two ago)

Did anyone else notice outside darken just a little?
This is not the first time I recall momentary glitches in brightness from my eyes, but the first time in a long time I actually recognized what was happening; I can vaguely recall as a child maybe.. 6-9? Wondering if my eyes were malfunctioning because of the same thing. This time though, I think.. I wonder how big and fast, and how far away whatever just went past the sun was.
Or maybe a portal just opened.. I wonder what got through???;)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


How do your reactions compare to others??
I tend to over react.
Dh under reacts. And not just under.. But delayed (I'm also really quick to react)
My dd is more like me and ds like dh.

Can you, and how can you , change your reactions??
I stay in this lovely online world a lot because it forces me to delay my reactions, and reconsider how I react. Can't change my instant thought but no one is here to see my very facially visible reactions;)
But can one actually delay or speed up how fast they react to something?

Just to go another step further - I am quick emotionally to react, but in terms of following a process, I am very slow to react. Process may be the wrong word.^^ above this was all considering emotional reactions anyways though:)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Straws have hardly been researched. How confident are you when you drink through a straw? Do you feel you are making the best decision?
What if the pull inside the straw causes temporal shifts? Or.. Maybe more realistically to some, a "chemical" shift.. From straw to mouth..
What if its just REALLY really bad for the environment? They are pretty small right... They should be pretty safe?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

What if it was predicted...

That the human race was on a fast path to extinction. If there was the opportunity and possibility to transform into a further developed species.. Would you choose to?
If you could receive enough artificial transplants to change your entire being to carry an Artificial gene; complete with artificial INTELLIGENCE- at the intelligence provided by the quality or newness of the transplant. Could you imagine the world?

I wonder what technology is doing to us..
Or, eat enough fucking chicken for dinner, suddenly, you got wings? I'm talking like.. 10,000 wings in a day - you would need SO much fat and energy to make the transformation...  That couldn't be enough. Or it would take a really long time.

But if there is like just a sweat bead of chicken energy in there, and you need a cups worth in an instant..

I wonder what GMO foods will do to us...
Or what if energy was just transferred through touch?
Most things are absorbed through the skin...
Petting an iguana with enough frequency you adapt scales?
I wonder what our weaknesses will morph with.
Or maybe instead of artificial genes, or hybrid genes.. Some humans adapt to the trees? Constantly touching nature. I think the Concept of nature, as we currently know it to be, is on its final journey. I think when the leaves fall next, artificial or hybrid connections will form.. I think the path is already formed... But still "setting up" so to speak.
I can feel the groundwork being lain.
Natural will be prehistoric soon...

Thursday, June 13, 2013


I always enjoy finding new places to vacuum. You have the standards; under the bed, behind the appliances, maybe get the bulk off blinds, if you let it build up that much... I never..........
But I get excited when I find new places. We moved in here 4 years ago with all the appliances (and some of their stuff) already here. It's 36 stairs, 5 split levels. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious kitchen and spacious living room, with a little dining area in between. Basement, crawl space, laundry room.. And lastly the tiny strip of hallway with closet "front room" I've never ever thoroughly cleaned the house from top to bottom, as much as I deeply desire to. It's too much for my tiny muggle self. But it means I get to find these hidden crevices ever so often:)

Last year, our washing machine broke and it was the first time I had access to behind that - and discovered several hidden objects under!

Today, I realized the back of the dryer is just a wall of holes with lint all trapped beneath. Such a satisfying vacuum:)

Of course, nothing beats the calmness brought on by freshly vacuumed air:)
..assuming I didn't vacuum up enough particles to rip a hole in the universe:)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


So I was with two friends today.
I think, in a behind the scenes kinda way there was a threesome unknowingly offered.
After I was investigated by an undercover agent, for a crime  I may or may not have committed. And I've decided my overall number is 97 and 3. Circumstances in my life have a 97% or 3 percent (give or take a percent /occasional severe deviation.)
That makes less sense written out- I could feel a 97% chance of bad things happening. Or 3% sometimes for bad.. I guess I would say every step is a 3% but yikes. 

And what if I wanted ??? No idea where I was going with that!!

Anyways;  i digress. HERES WHERE MY STORY REALLY, specifically I ask them, as etiquetily as possible, if they thought that satan was equal to god.
And instantly I get this... *vibe* which very well could have been entirely manifested by my own fear of offending someone, so I cover it up real fast and say .. Oh... That was just a social expirement.. the people on DT said that was rude.. Right.  
And my friend asks, what's a social experiment? 
And I had of course no idea, so I diverted the question to other friend, who said "like, sexual?" 
I said.. No.. But then i realized i dont actually know what a social experiment OMG SEXUAL EXPERIMENT that's what he heard that's hilarious. He thought I was talking about sexual experiments ! makes sense now *click*

I said let me try-  well, sins I guess would include sex, so, that's taboo. That's bad so that's a social experiment. 
... Pretty much sums up how I described it. A lot of "hold on's" and "maybe.. Let me think" it was decisive.

But that's the gist. Oh and I asked my friend if she wanted some action I think. 
Bwahaha ha. Social / sexual. Language barriers suck (^^*~*randomly I'm going to say I think autism is just a language barrier too... But it's about either bringing the voices all together or spreading them out diversely on the spectrum. Can we work together to build a unanimous language?? 


That's what DT sent out to the world. 
Good job.

I have to pee from laughing at my own post so much. 
.. That's supposed to be in poor taste to admit isn't it?

Also regarding feedback- was that as funny after I edited it to make it cohesive?
I just want to know if I'm funny...

Monday, June 10, 2013

God or satan

Satan is lucifer who is a fallen angel for wishing to be as God.

Who do you side with?

Very simply translated 1 believes he is better than all, and some of all (assuming lucifer isn't the only) believe they are equal to 1.

What if god is simply your LITERAL father; Adam, if you will?
He is long dead, or perhaps an alien now living LIGHTYEARS AWAY, barely an hour has passed in his time, but as he lived here for many life times teaching his children of his unmatched godliness...
We continued to teach. An as we've evolved and taken in parts of the earth we have become far superior, especially on home base.

What if lucifer is the first son to stand up to his father and say, I don't want to be better than you, but I'd like to mate with another space alien And he shut off a service to this planet for us to live a life outside the universe.

What if aside from all of that, humans already exited and lucifer and god were both just a part of infinity amount of tiny little parasites mating within their own kinds (previously I've been imagining he's got several space hores who just can't keep their legs shut, this is their "hotel hour") and their home planet is amongst the earth not minds of our planet.

If you lived on another planet would earth be the equivalent for soil?
Like if humans were speaking universally, could we call it our earth, or would it be be better if I said soil?

If you had to pick lucifer or god, who would you pick?
If you could exist with OR without that influence, would you choose to benefit from it, or would it be a hindrance?

Monday, June 3, 2013

Therapy x2

Is the goal to make people less autistic, or, more comprehensive as an autistic person.?
Because if there are levels in how much a person on the far left shall we say of the autism spectrum- id like to paint autism red. On the other side of the spectrum NT is either an ascension of clarity, or a spectrum like any other mental disorder.
On the other side -is it a spectrum of opposites?? Or is it singular understanding to strive for?

Id like to decipher what makes someone NOT autistic.


I've always kind of felt like therapies are a way to learn how to cope with anxiety. Or fear, or change.
It's teaching how to cope and how to learn from your sadness /anxiety etc.
It's to help you learn to think, and to try.
Not because you don't know how to think or try, but that you can't relay that effectively to someone who doesn't understand how you are thinking, or what you are trying.
So in therapies you learn to cross that bridge- but the therapies are as much for one understanding as the next.